How To Get Coolant Out Of Engine - Is antifreeze flammable

Sunday, October 29, 2023

How To Get Coolant Out Of Engine



Antifreeze or coolant is a very critical liquid for your vehicle’s engine. The second function of coolant is that 

it helps to ensure that the engine does not overrun or freeze while in the chilled atmosphere of winter and hot 

conditions of summer respectively. However, at times one may be required to drain off the coolant, for instance, 

during routine maintenance, repair work, or switching to another coolant type. 

This write-up will help you clean your engine in a safe manner and with little effort.

The important of correct coolant removal.

Now before going into the methods of cooling water removal let us understand why is that important to remove the coolant? 

The coolant has harmful substances that may harm people and animals. Disposing improperly can damage the environment and eating cooling agent is very bad. 

Therefore, you should also manage coolant spill appropriately as it is also dangerous for your cars parts.

What You Will Need
To get started, gather the following items:

1. Safety gear: You should consider safety glasses and gloves to shield your eyes and hands.

2. A drain pan: An additional container of adequate size used for accumulating a spent coolant.

3. A wrench or pliers: In order to unplug the radiator drain plug or the lower radiator hose.

4. Funnel: When poured for storage in an appropriate container.

5. A sealed container: Used coolant storage for proper disposal.

6. New coolant: As replacing the old coolant.

7. Water: To do so, in case the system needs to be flushed.

How to flush coolant out.

Step 1: Safety First

Put on safety goggles and gloves before starting. You must protect yourself because coolant may harm your skin and eyes.

Step 2: Park on a Level Surface

Your car should be parked at an even ground. In addition, this assists in proper drainage of coolant.

Step 3: Let the Engine Cool

Always be careful not to drain coolant from a running engine. Ensure that you allow your engine to be very cold. It could be anything from one or two hours.

Step 4: Locate the Drain Plug

Radiator drain plugs can be found at the bottom of radiators. Failure to locate it consult your vehicle’s manual. The other option is to unplug the lower radiator hose.

Step 5: Place the Drain Pan

Place the drain pan beneath the radiator drain plug, or lower end of the lower radiator hose. The old coolant will drip into this and be caught.

Step 6: Open the Drain Plug

Opening the radiator drain plug with a wrench or unlocking the clamp on the lower radiator hose using pliers with care. 

Pour the cooling fluid down the drain pan. Mind you that it can be steaming warm.

Step 7: Empty the Coolant

Let the coolant drain completely. Collect all of it in a drain pan.

Step 8: Make sure you use the right method for disposing the old coolant.

Coolant is also a hazardous substance and not recommended for disposal into drainage systems or soils. 

Put it in a tightly covered container that you should then carry to a local recycling station/dump yard or a hazardous waste dump site.

Step 9: Flush the System (Optional)

You are advised to flush your cooling system using water, after which the old coolant should be removed. 

For more details follow specific instructions in your car’s manual.

Step 10: Close the Drain Plug

Screw in the hole of radiator drain, or reconnect the lower radiator hose.

Step 11: Refill with New Coolant

Pour in new coolant using a funnel if you’re replacing the old one into the radiator. 

Always check on your owner’s manual to know the appropriate coolant type that should be used on your vehicle.

Step 12: Bleed the Air

Unscrew your radiator cap, start your car and leave it running to cool. This will aid in removing any gas bubbles from the system. 

Upon reaching its designated operating temperature, turn off the vehicle and then check coolant level. Add more coolant if necessary.


Cleaning up cooled from your engine is important to your safety and that of the climate. Taking these procedures ensures that your work is safe and effective regardless of whether it involves general service or changing your coolant. 

The manual has always a lot to say it may be necessary to check it out and dispose any liquid antifreeze properly. 

The auto environment and your car will appreciate it. Using the above procedures will help you to properly and successfully drain coolant out of an engine when carrying out maintenance, 

repair or changeover from one coolant type to another. Always place importance on safety and responsible management of coolant.

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